12 Dec 21
Christmas 2021 Opening Hours
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Please note the dates and times below for foodbank collections over the Christmas period. Friday 17th December 2021 12-1pm Wednesday 22nd December 2021 12-1pm Wednesday 29th December 2021 12-1pm Friday 7th January 2022 12-1pm Very best wishes from everyone at Droylsden and District Foodbank.
23 Jun 21
Help through Hardship Helpine
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Citizens Advice and the Trussell Trust have come together to develop a free helpline for people struggling to afford the basics. Operating in England and Wales, the helpline offers personalised advice and support to help address the underlying causes of the hardship, as well as a quick and seamless referral to a food bank for […]
17 Jun 21
A big thank you!
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Over the past few weeks the Foodbank has received generous donations from the younger generation in our community. The girls at Fairfield High School working towards the Archbishop of York’s young leaders award arranged a donation of food from students, families and friends. We thank them for their support and wish them well as they […]
23 May 21
Collection of food parcels
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Following the changes to government guidelines in May, please note that food parcels should now be collected from our warehouse. This means that deliveries have now been stopped and we have returned to a collection only service at the below times and location: Collection times: Every Friday 12-1pm Collection address: 27 Queens Walk, Droylsden M43 […]
25 Apr 20
Online Donations
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We are pleased to announce that we can now accept donations online via our Just Giving page. If you are in a position to help your local community at this time then please click the button below. All donations, large or small, can help make a difference to someone’s life. Our foodbank is run by […]
14 Apr 20
Coronavirus Update
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Our distribution centre at St Mary’s Church is currently closed, however we will continue to provide support for those needing help through our warehouse. As the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in the UK, our main priority is ensuring the safety of everyone who comes to our food bank – whether it’s someone needing help, someone volunteering […]
23 Dec 15
6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need
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A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.
8 Dec 15
Why Would a Mum Doing a Business Degree Find Herself Begging on the Streets This Winter?
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With Christmas approaching, Michele from Brent Foodbank shares how she’s helping to make the festive season special for those struggling. “For the past few days I haven’t been to the street begging for money to buy food for me and my baby…” This was what a mother at Brent Foodbank told us recently. She was […]
1 Dec 15
Emergency Budget gets the food poverty test
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David McAuley, Chief Executive of The Trussell Trust said: “We have two simple tests for the budget being delivered today. Firstly, what does it do to reduce the number of people in poverty and hunger? Secondly, what does it do to ensure the Government is supporting the work of charities and social enterprise in taking […]
21 Oct 15
Listening to the lives behind the foodbank statistics
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MPs and peers discussed tackling UK poverty. The Trussell Trust, along with dozens of representatives from its UK network of foodbanks, were in parliament yesterday speaking with MPs and Peers about the work they do to combat hunger and poverty. Hosting the event, Chris White MP commended the varied work of the Trussell Trust’s foodbanks, […]